ODI Technologies offers a full line-up of 360works software plugins for use with your Filemaker Hosting account. When a 360works product is selected you are charged a one-time fee as well as a monthly hosting fee. And our competitive prices are substantially lower from what you would find elsewhere. We have a great working relationship with 360works. And we …
Contact: Joey Grimaldi, President Tel: 877-735-9299 Email: sales@oditech.com Website: www.oditech.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Vancouver, Washington, July 25, 2013 – Today ODI Technologies, Inc. is pleased to announce its launch of FileMaker Cloud Servers. This dedicated cloud server is great for businesses or developers who need their own server or those who need to customize their …
ODI Technologies, Inc will begin posting video training series to it’s knowledge base website and YouTube page. So, this way we can assist our current clients with troubleshooting and FileMaker support. Our goal is to provide our insights to the FileMaker community as a whole, with information ranging from development to general use of FileMaker. And we hope …