Synopsis: As you are aware we recently moved to a new data center which offered increased redundancy and also enabled us to get a new cutting-edge SAN provided by a Tier 1 storage vendor in place. This SAN provides the latest in redundant architecture as well as cutting-edge technology to ensure the highest levels of …
ODITech’s offices will be closed on Christmas Day – Wednesday, December 25th 2013. Technical support will still be available via phone, email, and chat. ODITech would like to wish all of our staff and customers the best over the holidays and we will see you in the new year.
This update uses the JAR manifest file attributes introduced by Java Runtime Environment 7 update 45 (JRE 7u45). The FileMaker Server 12.0.5 update adds the permissions attribute consistent with Oracle’s security recommendations. This software updates FileMaker Server 12.0v4 for OS X and Windows to FileMaker Server 12.0v5. FileMaker Server 13 is not impacted by this …